
Nonda North Star Dreaming
A Nonda Legacy!

“The true worth of a sire can be assessed by the quality of his offspring.”
~ Bull Hancock, legendary American Thoroughbred Breeder, Claiborne Farm, Kentucky.

“The art of breeding is not difficult. It simply requires us to be honest with ourselves about what is standing right in front of us – and to make our decisions based on what we see.”
Bob Kleberg, King Ranch, Texas.

Service Fee

Special introductory Service fee for the 2024 season ONLY:

  • $2,200 inc GST
  • Chilled semen available.


  • Available soon.


Pascoe’s Oakey Veterinary Hospital
200-212 Hamlyn Rd
Oakey  QLD  4401

Nonda North Star Dreaming's Story

David and Heather Pascoe of Plaintree Farms are excited to announce they will stand the young stallion Nonda North Star Dreaming at stud this season.

He will stand alongside his sire, the champion campdrafter Nonda Southern Cross – Denzel.

Photo by Wirraway Multimedia. Nonda North Star Dreaming.

“This is a very special colt,” Heather said. “Everyone who has seen him either wants to buy him or wants to breed to him. We have never seen a reaction to a horse like this.

“He is an exceptional physical type with an extremely kind nature.

“He also has the best pedigree of any colt we’ve ever bred.”

N. North Star Dreaming is a son of the Novice campdraft winner and multiple Stockmen’s Challenge winner Nonda Wallflower (by Hazelwood Conman).

He is the closest family relative to Rick Young’s great campdraft mare Youngstar Marnies Glamour campaigned by Will Durkin.

“We bred Marnies Glamour’s dam Nonda Hula Hoop, and her dam Rhumba is a full sister to Ragtime, the grandam of North Star Dreaming.  That makes him the only stallion that is available to carry on such a powerful Australian family.  Breeders and competitors hold Marnies Glamour in such high regard,. as soon as they know how N. North Star Dreaming is bred they want to breed their good mares to him.”

He is descended from the legendary Widden Lass, the wonderful camp mare owned by the Haydon family back in the 1920’s.

His family carries no less than eight separate Champion mare families in both Australia and America.

His own immediate mare family has produced Champion campdrafters such as Marnies Glamour, multiple Open winner and the highest placed horse in the 2022 Triple Crown.

The Widden Lass family is also carefully woven through the pedigree of Nonda Last Frontier, winner of the Willinga Gold Buckle and the Masters Nutrien Open.

It has produced the champion cow horses Star Carousel and Yarranoo Reggae who both won major titles for Champion trainer Ian Francis back in the 1980’s.

The family also produced three winners and a Finals dry work winner of the Cloncurry Stockmen’s Challenge (Star Carousel, Boonara Party Girl, Woolerina Rhythm and Nonda Wallflower).

It is responsible for the international Champion polo mare Angel Jewel (World Polo Hall of Fame) as well as Nonda Native Bebopaloopa, Champion Polocrosse horse of Australia.

Photo by Wirraway Multimedia. Nonda North Star Dreaming & Mark Buttsworth.

The family also produced Kildare Belle a winner of the prestigious JH Barnes Memorial Trophy, as well as a long list of major Futurity and Royal Show Champions.

Importantly, all of the stallions in his pedigree are Champion sires that have worked very successfully here in Australia – both the Australian Stock Horse sires and the American Quarter Horse sires.

“The thing we are most excited about is the enormous amount of old Colonial Thoroughbred blood that he carries,” Heather said.

“It is rich with Carbine, Valais, St Simon, Musket and Stockwell.  These are the great sires that built the breed in the beginning – both here and in America.

“We believe he is the potential outcross stallion we have all been waiting for. He looks exactly the way a stallion should look with his kind of pedigree.”

N. North Star Dreaming has been in training with Mark Buttsworth and has been brought along slowly on a similar program to the one that produced his sire Denzel.

He is currently having a stint in training with one of Marks protégées, the much admired Dalby trainer Corinne Anderson who will start him in a Stockmen’s Challenge.  “We thought it was important to show breeders exactly how kind and soft he really is so we gave him a lovely show holiday with Corinne.”

The Pascoe’s decided that if they kept N. North Star Dreaming and stood him for a very reasonable fee this season it would be a genuine opportunity for young competitors to breed themselves a very special horse.

“The horse industry has given us a wonderful life – David as a veterinarian and me as a breeder. It seemed an obvious way to give something back”.



The Congress, Dalby was N.North Star Dreaming’s very first start and he performed with distinction placing 10th in the Futurity campdraft, scoring 61 for horsework, with Corinne Anderson.




Sire: Nonda Southern Cross

Photo by Southern Belle Photography. Nonda Soutjern Cross & Mark Buttsworth.. 2023 Warwick Gold Cup.

The charismatic black stallion with the distinctive style and the raw, natural cow sense has captured the imagination of the industry from the day he walked into the arena.

Denzel has won several of the major black type events in the industry including the Nutrien Open Draft, the Warwick Stallion Draft, and the Condamine Silver Bell Novice.

In 2023 he was a Finalist in Warwick Gold Cup – where he was the highest scoring stallion.

In 2024 he has been a Finalist in the 2024 Willinga Gold Buckle – where he ran second in the Semi-Final with a big 91.67 and was again the top scoring stallion.

A week or so later, he was a Finalist in the 2024 Koobah Dash for Cash where he top-scored the final round on a 90.

Denzel came bouncing out of winter to make a big impression in the Open at Juandah Plains.

He went into the final on equal lowest score facing a shoot-off with 42 other Finalists. By the time it was over he was up there in seventh place with another big 90 run.

He was then called back to run off for the Tom Strachan Memorial Cut Out which he won with a 24 and a big happy grin.

Photo by Sue Waldron photos. Nonda Southern Cross & Will Durkin, 2021 Chinchilla Grandfather Clock.

Denzel has the gift of being able to chalk up the big 90’s and the 91’s with the greatest of ease. He likes to make fun of his cattle, sledges them heavily – “you are nothing but a mob of hamburgers” – and he loves the fast ones the best.

His friends, fans and followers call him The Man in Black, the horse that seems to sing the old Johnny Cash song every time he walks into the arena – “I keep you on my mind both night and day / I keep my eyes wide open all the time / I walk the line / because you’re mine.’

For those of us he calls family, we believe that Denzel’s biggest victories have been back home in the breeding barn.

We are convinced that industry is only just beginning to see the sheer quality of the progeny he is putting on the ground.

The good horsemen are telling us the Denzel babies they are riding are something very special.

They talk about their feel, their raw natural cow sense, how they work in exactly the same way that Denzel does: ‘if you close your eyes you would think you are riding Denzel…’.

They tell us about their kind, willing attitudes, about how much they want to be your mates, their funny, quirk sense of humour, how they’d really like to sit on the sofa and watch TV with you.

(Yellowstone? Nope, these Aussie kids would watch Gallipoli and The Man from Snowy River, eat too many Drumsticks and Fantails – and leave all the wrappings on the floor!)

Good things take time to happen, and they take patience.

Thankfully, patience always brings its own rewards.

Visit Denzel’s page to view his full profile >>

Dam: Nonda Wallflower

Ridden by Jon Templeton


  • WINNER ARBC Novice campdraft (92)
  • Proston Golden Spurs
  • 2nd  Novice
    • 2nd  Maiden


  • Co-CHAMPION Toowoomba Open Stockman’s Challenge
  • Cloncurry Classic Stockman’s Challenge finalist, top scorer in the Dry Work.


  • Landmark Classic: Top priced 3yo mare selling for $62,000
    Vendor: Plaintree Farms
    Purchaser: G & K Cook

Paternal Grandsire: Acres Destiny

ACRES DESTINY has become a household name in the performance horse world, producing champion after champion in a range of disciplines including cutting, campdrafting, challenges & reining.

Full pedigree details on the sire side are available on Acres Destiny’s Page.

Paternal Grandam: Nonda Happy Ever After

Nonda Happy Ever After (Doc’s Freckles Oak) is a daughter of Nonda Night Bird, a mare bred on Nonda Downs station near Julia Creek in North West Qld and brought south by Heather in 1986.

Maternal Grandsire: Hazelwood Conman

Hazelwood Conman has reached legendary status and is a truly great sire.  He has: a great pedigree, a successful performance record of his own and proven progeny.

Visit Hazelwood Conman’s page to read his story.

Maternal Grandam: Nonda Midnight Boogie

Nonda Midnight Boogie is the daughter of the great Docs Freckles Oak.  She was campaigned by Terry and Chrissie Hall with whom she won Novice drafts.


Registration: #256729
Foaling date: 21/11/2019
Colour: Black
Height: 15.3hh
Breeder: G & K Cook Partnership
Current Owner: Plaintree Farms

(Click on PEDIGREE TAB within icompete)


Mark Buttsworth (Trainer)

“Stylish Colt enjoys tracking cattle.”

Mark says of his sire Nonda Southern Cross:
People ask me what I think of Denzel and I tell them I’ve bred some of my good mares to him and I’m looking forward to riding them…”

Corinne Anderson (Trainer)

“You can’t wait to get back on him. This is the horse you would take every single day. He is soft, he is smooth, he has a great mind. Everything to him is easy.”

Beau Skerrett (Trainer)

“North Star Dreaming came to us as a young colt and what impressed us is that he felt like an old horse trapped in a young horses body. Everything we asked him it was as if he already knew. He would excel at whatever you asked him.

When you look at the bloodlines he has it’s a no brainer what kind of mares you would be sending to him. He will breed the horses we want to ride.”

Photo Gallery

Images captured by Wirraway Multimedia.

Video Gallery


2024 PROMOTIONAL VIDEO.  [View on Facebook]


Sire: Nonda Southern Cross – Visit page to view his extensive Video Gallery >>

Dam: Nonda Wallflower. Ridden by Jon Templeton.




  • Landmark Classic Horse Sale. Top priced 3yo mare, selling for $62,000 on a/c Plaintree Farms.  Purchased by G & K Cook.  [View Sale Video on Facebook]


Dr David & Mrs Heather Pascoe
Plaintree Farms
1344 Cecil Plains Road
Toowoomba  QLD

Heather: 0418 788 877


Plaintree Farms
Pascoes Oakey Vet Clinic