More trivia from the 1976 Warwick Gold Cup

The Judge for the Gold Cup, Theo Hill, changed the course from Right to Left after the first round. This was the first time this had been done at Warwick.

Theo remembers, “I believe that being the Gold Cup the horses competing should be able to handle going both ways. I did upset some Qld competitors with this decision and several approached me indicating that they had never competed with a Left hand course.They asked me to not be too hard on them if they ‘didn’t get it right’. I replied that they would be judged on what they did”. I don’t regret this move and it has been repeated on a few occasions since.

1 L.Mills & Maybe | =2nd S. Ross & Gregory White and J. Stanton & Breeze | 4 M.O’Neill & Rocky | 5 J. Phelps & Lady Jane
Photo by HI Nott: 1 L.Mills & Maybe | =2nd S. Ross & Gregory White and J. Stanton & Breeze | 4 M.O’Neill & Rocky | 5 J. Phelps & Lady Jane